4 eggs beaten
1 C w. sugar
2 C rice flour
1/2 t salt
2 T baking powder
2 C coconut milk
1/4 C melted butter
1/4 C coconut milk
1/4 C brown sugar
1. Beat Eggs, sugar, salt, coco milk and melted butter.
2. Mix rice flour and baking powder.
3. Slowly, mix dry ingredients w/ wet ingredients.
4. Bake in 375 deg. oven. When half done brush with topping mixture, may add grated cheese at this point and continue baking till golden brown.
Thanks to Romi Jandayan for sharing this very yummy bibingka recipe. We all love this, Julian thinks it's a unique cake. He never had this before. He had 3 pcs. in one sitting!